Punk Rock Safety

Ep 1: Sound Check

Episode Summary

It's the first episode, okay. We're not winning any awards for this one, but it's on the books. Think of it a little like a band doing a sound check. We talk about audits, some of our favorite punk bands, what it means to think about safety from a punk rock point of view, and some other stuff that made sense to us at the time. Big fat thanks to Fea (fea210.com) for the intro/outro music, too.

Episode Notes

It's the first episode of Punk Rock Safety!

Ben, Ron, and Dave are all over the place on this one, but we'll settle into a rhythm soon. In the true spirit of punk, if it isn't good, at least make it loud. So, you might want to turn this first one up.

That's ok, though. Safety works the same way a lot of times. There's experimentation and a need for intelligent failure. We're doing our best to manage on that second part.

In the next few episodes, we'll look at what makes a safety professional, the pretend choices between safety philosophies,  the concept of safety culture, behavior-based safety, MBWA, and probably some BS mixed in, too.